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Who are the “Ūli’ l-’Amr”?

Who are the “Ūli’ l-’Amr”?

Concerning the “Ūli’ l-’Amr” the opinion of the Ahl ul-Sunna is unsupported by proofs. They claim that Ūli’ l-’Amr means the ruler! What if the ruler is unjust? What if he is not an expert in religious affairs? What if he is a slave of material desires? Is obedience obligatory towards him even if he himself disobeys his Lord? Such a situation creates contradictions. However, all these things are beyond the scope of our discussion.

 As Umar ibn al-Khattab said, “Two muta’as (Muta’a of Hajj and Muta’a of women) were permitted in the time of the Holy Prophet (S), I prohibit both.” Hence those who consider Allah (S.w.T.) and the Prophet (S) as Ūli’ l-’Amr would regard Muta’a as Halāl. But if they also wish to obey Umar ibn al-Khattab, it will create a contradiction.


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